Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
We believe that God has called us to reach people not only in our community but around the world with His life-transforming message of Hope!
Here are Missionaries /Ministries that we currently support. We would encourage you to consider praying for them on a regular basis as well as contributing to these and other Mission projects through One Hope.
Here are Missionaries /Ministries that we currently support. We would encourage you to consider praying for them on a regular basis as well as contributing to these and other Mission projects through One Hope.

Latin America / Caribbean
Esteban & Danielle Salazar
Esteban & Danielle Salazar

Canary Islands
Greg & Nikita Lewen
Greg & Nikita Lewen
Friends Forever Missions / FFTV in Jamaica and Guyana
Mark & Laurie Muirhead
Mark & Laurie Muirhead

Laura Lee
Laura Lee

ARC Church Planting
The Association of Related Churches is a global family of churches and leaders
that exist to see a thriving church in every community, reaching people with the message of Jesus.
We do this by providing relationships, resources, and opportunities to leaders
of new and existing churches so that they can thrive.
The Association of Related Churches is a global family of churches and leaders
that exist to see a thriving church in every community, reaching people with the message of Jesus.
We do this by providing relationships, resources, and opportunities to leaders
of new and existing churches so that they can thrive.

The Relational Network exists to pastor ministry leaders so they can lead healthy and high impact churches. Pastors Matt and Sarah Keller’s desire is to come along side and assist ministry couples by providing life-giving relationships, principles, strategies and coaching that will help take pastors and churches to the next level.
The Relational Network exists to pastor ministry leaders so they can lead healthy and high impact churches. Pastors Matt and Sarah Keller’s desire is to come along side and assist ministry couples by providing life-giving relationships, principles, strategies and coaching that will help take pastors and churches to the next level.